
MY VIDEO 2 Tradisi Saprahan, Bentuk Kearifan Lokal Melayu Kalimantan Barat Sebuah spanduk berukuran besar bertuliskan “Awak Datang Kame’ Sambot pade Acara Saprahan Warge RT.003/RW.001 Kampong Banser” tampak terpampang jelas di gapura pintu masuk gang tempat dilaksanakannya acara tradisi ini. Dengan mengambil satu nama besar yaitu Acara Saprahan Warga Kampung Bansir 2015, lebih dari 200-an orang yang sebagian besar merupakan warga masyarakat lingkungan sekitar. DEFINISI SAPRAHAN Saprahan merupakan salah satu adat budaya melayu yang masih berkembang dan dilestarikan sejak zaman dahulu hingga saat ini. Adat tradisi dalam kegiatan makan bersama-sama berkelompok baik di dalam rumah sehari-hari ataupun dalam acara mengundang tamu ataupun acara-acara pesta yang di adakan dirumah ataupun di desa.  Hidangan lauk pauk disajikan pada tempat dinamakan baki ataupun dihamparan kain untuk disantap bersama-sama berkelompok sejumlah 6 orang setiap...


On this occasion I will share my experience while on vacation in an area. The name of the area is 'datok island' located in north kayong district. And the distance is approximately 100km from the town ketapang. I made the trip 7 months before entering the lecture. At that time the weather was good and the holiday conditions. Sunday morning we traveled with a group of friends there were about 12 people. While on the go there is an interesting thing when you can travel using a motorcycle together. Long story short on the way we had an obstacle when one of us experienced a leaky tire. With immediate action we immediately stop and help to find the nearest workshop. I suggest to travel far not alone but the entourage. If alone will be afraid of things that do not want like a leak tire and others. After that we arrived in north kayong regency, sukadana. We do not go directly to the beach but rest in the grand mosque located in the center of the city of sukadana. The mosque has j...

review hamburger/review food

  Burgers or hamburgers are the most popular food in America. According to "The American Dictionary of Food and Drink", every average American eats 3 hamburgers each week. Burger or "burger sandwich" is a kind of sandwich, consisting of a slightly split paste pasted with 1 to 2 cm spicy chopped meat with a breadth similar to the bread, with lettuce, tomato slices, cheese sheets and sauce. The word burger itself comes from the word 'hamburger'. Burgers or hamburgers have two different meanings but actually refer to the same thing, it could mean a slab of meat pasted between two breadballs, could also mean a sandwich consisting of round bread and burger meat itself. Burger meat is not always finely chopped beef, but it can also be chicken, fish meat and tofu for vegetarians. Burger meat is also not to be eaten with a 'bun' (a special round for hamburgers) but can also be eaten as a steak with potatoes and vegetable salad. Fast food hamburger...

my video/7 cara mengatasi malas belajar 1.Malas Belajar Karena Ngantuk Jika dalam belajar Anda mulai merasa ngantuk, caranya mudah. Anda hanya perlu membasuh muka dengan air dingin atau jika tubuh terasa gerah bahkan berkeringat, hentikan sejenak proses belajar Anda lalu mandi, sehabis mandi lanjutkan kembali hingga materi pelajaran yang sedang Anda bahas selesai. 2. Ganti Posisi Duduk Jika Anda mulai tidak nyaman dengan posisi duduk Anda. Berdirilah selama beberapa detik, kemudian duduk kembali dan rubah posisi duduk dari yang sebelumnya. Jika perlu, sangat dianjuirkan untuk mengganti bangku atau kursi Anda. 3. Pindah Lokasi Belajar Ruangan yang digunakan untuk belajar berjam-jam akan memicu rasa malas dan bosan. Maka dari itu segera siasati dengan berpindah lokasi belajar, misalnya Anda beralih dari kamar tidur ke ruang tamu, tapi jangan sampai ke dapur, memangnya mau masak.  4.Relaksasi Otak yang dipaksa terus menerus bisa terbebani dan lama-lamaan da...


My goal or ambition to be achieved after the next 5 years is to be able to continue studying to ITB (INSTITUT TEHNOLOGI BANDUNG). in hopes of getting a scholarship and a kumlauot degree. because in MEA (ASEAN ECONOMIC SOCIETY), so HR (HUMAN RESOURCES) is in need because in Indonesia is very rich in natural resources but very less skill owned. so many foreigners who utilize the wealth of Indonesia. And if I can not go to college in ITB then I will work in one company. If it can be in biggest company in indonesia like freepot, oil and gas. In addition, my other goal is to get married on target. because marriage is a worship of the perfect religion in Islam. hence so that all my goals are achieved according to plan all that can not be separated from the parent's prayer, effort, and surrender to gods. because all affairs in the world submitted to Allah swt. But right now I have to complete my S1 mechanical engineering at tanjungpura university.I entered through the SNMPTN line by...

persentasion grup/26/9/2017

-           Good morning, everybody. We would like to say thank you for coming in my group presentation. It’s great to see you all. -           Let me introduce myself and my fatner. I am ...... and my fatner is.... we are from group...... -           The purpose of my presentation is 4 question from the text..... -           Lets begin.... -           1. A verry unique characteristic of the american higher education system is that you can change your majors multiple times if you choose. It is extrmely common for american student to swicth majors at some point in their under graduate studies. Often, students discover a different field that they excel in or enjoy. Keep in mind though that switching   major may result in more courses swich means ...


1. lately will be held again the activities of tanjungpura university. especially in engineering. this ceremony is allowed for the engineering alumni who want to participate in the event. and is the arena of previous generation reunion.learning can be taken is to strengthen the relationship silahtuhrahmi between fellow engineering majors.entertainment is certainly an entertaining performance from students and alumni such as singing, band performance, playing a musical instrument. Pontianak already many cafes suitable for young children. one of them cafe pak we. located around the river kapuas. go to cafe pak we are very suitable at night time especially the night of the week, due to the light of the houses and around the river adds to the beauty and romance of the cafe.cafes located in the vicinity of the Kapuas river is the concern of the local community for the area. More to keep the environment around the river clean and increase the income of the community. ...