my video/7 cara mengatasi malas belajar
Bila anda melakukan tindakan, meski pun itu tindakan yang sangat kecil. Bila terus dilakukan secara terus menerus maka, perlahan tapi pasti anda akan memiliki kebiasaan untuk belajar dan disiplin yang baik. Dengan begitu, anda bisa mengatasi kebiasaan malas belajar dalam diri anda.
Ingatlah prinsip ini “Semakin banyak anda bertindak, semakin cepat anda mendapatkan kebiasaan baru yang anda sedang bentuk dan prioritaskan.”
1.Malas Belajar Karena Ngantuk
Jika dalam
belajar Anda mulai merasa ngantuk, caranya mudah. Anda hanya perlu membasuh
muka dengan air dingin atau jika tubuh terasa gerah bahkan berkeringat,
hentikan sejenak proses belajar Anda lalu mandi, sehabis mandi lanjutkan
kembali hingga materi pelajaran yang sedang Anda bahas selesai.
2. Ganti Posisi Duduk
Jika Anda mulai tidak nyaman dengan
posisi duduk Anda. Berdirilah selama beberapa detik, kemudian duduk kembali dan
rubah posisi duduk dari yang sebelumnya. Jika perlu, sangat dianjuirkan untuk
mengganti bangku atau kursi Anda.
3. Pindah Lokasi Belajar
Ruangan yang
digunakan untuk belajar berjam-jam akan memicu rasa malas dan bosan. Maka dari
itu segera siasati dengan berpindah lokasi belajar, misalnya Anda beralih dari
kamar tidur ke ruang tamu, tapi jangan sampai ke dapur, memangnya mau
Otak yang
dipaksa terus menerus bisa terbebani dan lama-lamaan dapat membuyarkan
konsentrasi. Untuk mengatasi rasa penat tersebut, Anda bisa melakukan relaksasi
atau penyegaran selama beberapa menit. Misalnya mendengarkan musik klasik,
jalan-jalan di taman yang udaranya sejuk atau memandangi ombak di pantai bagi
Anda yang tinggal di pesisir.
5. Sambil Makan Cemilan
Agar suasana
belajar Anda menjadi lebih menyenangkan, selingi kegiatan belajar dengan
aktivitas lain seperti makan cemilan sehat. Siapkan beberapa buah pisang
ataupun apel dimeja belajar Anda, ketika membaca buku dan memahami materi,
selingi dengan makan buah tersebut. Pergerakan di mulut akan membuat otak Anda
tidak terfokus pada pelajaran saja, jadinya rasa bosan tidak mudah muncul.
6. Rubah Pola Belajar
Jika Anda
terbiasa belajar dengan cara menghapalkan isi buku bukan memahaminya, segera
rubah sistem belajar Anda. Atau bisa juga Anda melakukan cara lain yang lebih
menyenangkan, misalnya mencari alternatif lain dalam belajar seperti
mendengarkan materi pelajaran melalui media audio visual (DVD, Laptop atau tape
7. Tindakan
Ini adalah pembungkus dari semua uraian di atas. Bila hanya melakukan langkah pertama sampai ke empat, anda tidak akan bisa mengatasi rasa malas di dalam diri anda. Cara untuk mengatasi rasa malas adalah dengan melakukan langkah kecil.Bila anda melakukan tindakan, meski pun itu tindakan yang sangat kecil. Bila terus dilakukan secara terus menerus maka, perlahan tapi pasti anda akan memiliki kebiasaan untuk belajar dan disiplin yang baik. Dengan begitu, anda bisa mengatasi kebiasaan malas belajar dalam diri anda.
Ingatlah prinsip ini “Semakin banyak anda bertindak, semakin cepat anda mendapatkan kebiasaan baru yang anda sedang bentuk dan prioritaskan.”
1.Learning Learning Drowsy
If in learning you start feeling sleepy, easy way. You only need to wash your face with cold water or if your body feels sultry and even sweats, stop your learning process and then take a shower, after bathing continue until the lesson material you are discussing is over.
2. Change Sitting Position
If you start uncomfortable with your sitting position. Stand for a few seconds, then sit back and change the sitting position from the previous one. If necessary, it is highly recommended to replace your bench or seat.
3. Moving Learning Locations
The room used to study for hours will trigger a sense of laziness and boredom. So from that immediately siasati by moving learning locations, for example, you move from the bedroom to the living room, but do not get to the kitchen, it wants to cook.
The brain that is forced continuously can be burdened and may prolong the concentration. To overcome the fatigue, you can do some relaxation or refreshment for several minutes. For example listening to classical music, a walk in the park where the air is cool or looking at the waves on the beach for those living on the coast.
5. While Eating Snacks
In order for your learning atmosphere becomes more fun, interspace learning activities with other activities such as eating healthy snacks. Prepare some bananas or apples at your study desk, while reading a book and understanding the material, interspersed with eating the fruit. Movement in the mouth will make your brain is not focused on the course lesson, so the boredom is not easy to emerge.
6. Change the Pattern of Learning
If you are accustomed to learning by memorizing the contents of the book rather than understanding it, immediately change your learning system. Or you can do other ways more fun, such as looking for other alternatives in learning such as listening to the subject matter through audio visual media (DVD, Laptop or tape recorder).
7. Action
This is the wrapper of all the above descriptions. If you only take the first step up to four, you will not be able to overcome the sense of laziness in you. The way to overcome the sense of laziness is to make small steps.
If you take action, even if it is a very small action. If you continue to do it continuously then, slowly but surely you will have a habit to learn and good discipline. That way, you can overcome the lazy habits of learning within you.
Remember this principle "The more you act, the sooner you get the new habit you are forming and prioritize."
If in learning you start feeling sleepy, easy way. You only need to wash your face with cold water or if your body feels sultry and even sweats, stop your learning process and then take a shower, after bathing continue until the lesson material you are discussing is over.
2. Change Sitting Position
If you start uncomfortable with your sitting position. Stand for a few seconds, then sit back and change the sitting position from the previous one. If necessary, it is highly recommended to replace your bench or seat.
3. Moving Learning Locations
The room used to study for hours will trigger a sense of laziness and boredom. So from that immediately siasati by moving learning locations, for example, you move from the bedroom to the living room, but do not get to the kitchen, it wants to cook.
The brain that is forced continuously can be burdened and may prolong the concentration. To overcome the fatigue, you can do some relaxation or refreshment for several minutes. For example listening to classical music, a walk in the park where the air is cool or looking at the waves on the beach for those living on the coast.
5. While Eating Snacks
In order for your learning atmosphere becomes more fun, interspace learning activities with other activities such as eating healthy snacks. Prepare some bananas or apples at your study desk, while reading a book and understanding the material, interspersed with eating the fruit. Movement in the mouth will make your brain is not focused on the course lesson, so the boredom is not easy to emerge.
6. Change the Pattern of Learning
If you are accustomed to learning by memorizing the contents of the book rather than understanding it, immediately change your learning system. Or you can do other ways more fun, such as looking for other alternatives in learning such as listening to the subject matter through audio visual media (DVD, Laptop or tape recorder).
7. Action
This is the wrapper of all the above descriptions. If you only take the first step up to four, you will not be able to overcome the sense of laziness in you. The way to overcome the sense of laziness is to make small steps.
If you take action, even if it is a very small action. If you continue to do it continuously then, slowly but surely you will have a habit to learn and good discipline. That way, you can overcome the lazy habits of learning within you.
Remember this principle "The more you act, the sooner you get the new habit you are forming and prioritize."
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